Check out the summary of the second CAC meeting!
Public Meeting #1 - TBD
The second meeting of the Kedzie Avenue Study Corridor Advisory Committee (CAC) took place on August 28, 2024 via Zoom. A summary of the meeting can be found here.
The project team presented the initial recommendations as well as draft public meeting exhibits/documents to garner input and answer any questions. The meeting included both presentation from the project team and interactive discussion among the CAC about the upcoming public information meeting.
Topics covered: Welcome, Existing Conditions Review, CAC Meeting #1 Review, Survey Review, Initial Alternatives, and Public Information Meeting.
This first meeting of the Kedzie Avenue Study Corridor Advisory Committee (CAC) took place April 26, 2023, via Zoom. A summary of the meeting can be found here.
The goals of the meeting, which followed meetings with the 5 corridor municipalities in 2022, was to introduce CAC members to each other, share what the team has learned and make sure current understanding accurately reflects community perspectives, and learn about CAC member priorities for the project. The meeting included both presentation by the project team and interactive discussions among participants, as well as a live poll activity.
Topics covered included: Welcome, Introductions, & Project Background; Corridor Existing Conditions & Discussion; On-line Survey Findings & Discussion; Initial Alternatives Ideas & Discussion; CAC Input on Issues & Needs and next steps.
The project team synthesized results from the public survey into a Survey Summary, available here.
66 responders, a majority of which use the corridor every day or almost every day, submitted information about locations of transportation-related issues along the corridor, many of which were considered Pedestrian/Bicycle and Traffic/Roadway issues. The most-referenced transportation related issues were high vehicle speeds, lack of adequate sidewalks, lack of bike lanes, uneven roadway conditions, and unsafe pedestrian crossings.
These results, along with feedback received from the CAC and other stakeholders, will directly inform the project’s purpose and need as well as the project team’s development of initial design alternatives for the Kedzie Avenue corridor.
The public survey launched December 1, 2022 and will be open through January 31, 2023. This interactive web-based survey will gather information about how people use the corridor, the purpose(s) it serves in the community, how the community perceives it now, and how the community hopes it could change for the better in the future. The survey results will help define what success for this project looks like to the community.
Results from the survey, along with feedback received from the CAC and other stakeholders, will also directly inform the project’s purpose and need as well as the project team’s development of initial design alternatives for the Kedzie Avenue corridor.